I recently bought 3 Shower tray formers from you. The picture on you web-site show the Drain channel standing proud of the surface to allow for tiling. The drainage chanel in the trays you have sent me are flush with the top surface of the former, How am I supposed to finish the tiling. If i tile it as it is then the drain grating will below the top of the tiles? Can you please advise me?

Dear John,

I can see that you ordered 2x Showerlay Wiper 900 x 1500 mm Point Tivano, and 1x Showerlay 900 x 1850 mm Line Invisible shower tray. In case of the formers with Square Tivano drainage, drain should go above the shower tray level for 15 mm.

Situation is different for Showerlay 900 x 1850 mm Line Invisible, this shower tray comes with drainage which is completely leveled with the board and there's no vertical frame at all as you noticed. They do not have restriction for floor finish material thickness, but there's other restriction - there's only one grating available - tileable one. Grating needs to be covered with tiles as well, so after the installation is over, you could see only the channel which allows the water to flow.

You will need to aesthetically finish your tiles, to be sure they are not sharp (this can be achieved for example with water jet cutting). Alternatively you might want to take a look at similar shower tray but also vertical frame - Showerlay 900 x 1850 mm Line Pure.

Let me know if you have any questions.

Kind regards

David M 020 7193 0953

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